Is this my good side?

Our cameras have seen many things over the years but oh DEER this is the first deer we have caught on camera!

It looks like a black cat crossed our monitor’s path!

Almost a year ago today our monitor snapped an image of this cute raccoon on their hind legs. We hope that life has been going well for them this year.

Carrots are not the only things that rabbits eat! Check out this picture our wildlife monitor took of a rabbit having a very early breakfast.

Why did the walnut know where the cashew was hiding? Because he was pecan!

Who let the dogs out!?!? WHO? WHO? WHO? Oh wait that is a coyote….

We get lots of really neat photos from our wildlife monitors, but it makes us sad to see trash end up in our waterways. Playing in a creek is a great way to enjoy the fall, but make sure to pick up after yourself at all times.

It is crazy what one rainfall can do to our waterways!

It is crazy what one rainfall can do to our waterways!


Paw-don me, but are you fur real?!? A beautiful cat was spotted on our wildlife monitors.

Happy Hawk-tober

Can you name the bird found on our wildlife monitoring camera?

I spy with my little eye a bird on a rock. Can you find the bird?

Tag you’re it! Two crows chase one another.

Birds have crazy hair days too!

Who do these footprints belong to?

The beginning of summer has brought many little ducklings to our camera sites.

Early bird gets the worm!

A crow snacking on a leaf.

A majestic hawk caught on camera.

This little duck made quite the splash at Hidden Creek.

A beautiful heron out for a morning walk at Hidden Creek.

Getting our ducks in a row! These ducks were enjoying a stream near North Blair Drive.

Feeling squirrelly? This squirrel was seen at North Blair Drive.

Trash in the stream of North Blair Drive. Keep our streams clean!

Rabbit and baby opossum hanging out by the stream of North Blair Drive. Best of friends!

Momma opossum carrying her two babies! Located near the stream of North Blair Drive.

Giant opossum near the stream of North Blair Drive.

A heron at Hidden Creek Nature Sanctuary. A majestic sight to see!

A mother duck and her ducklings near the stream by North Blair Drive. So cute!

Baby opossum near the stream of North Blair Drive!

Raccoon family searching for a midnight snack in the stream near North Blair Drive!

Figure 1. This graph shows the number of animal species based on what the trail cameras caught at Hidden Creek Nature Sanctuary, Anderson Park, and Oakdale Elementary.

Figure 2. This graph shows the animal species and the time of day they were out using the creeks based on what the trail cameras caught at Hidden Creek Nature Sanctuary, Anderson Park, and Oakdale Elementary.

Squirrel with food at Hidden Creek Nature Sanctuary.

Squirrel sitting on post.

Squirrel running on a bridge beam.

Squirrel caught in mid run at Hidden Creek Nature Sanctuary.

Raccoons spot each other.

Opossum at Hidden Creek Nature Sanctuary.

Male duck spotted the camera at Hidden Creek Nature Sanctuary.

Ducks taking flight at Hidden Creek Nature Sanctuary.

Duck taking flight at Hidden Creek Nature Sanctuary.

Coyote spotted at Hidden Creek Nature Sanctuary.

Can you tell what type of bird this is?

Can you spot the chipmunk?

A dog caught on my camera at Hidden Creek Nature Sanctuary.

Crow with trash in its mouth. Keep our environment clean!

Can you spot the squirrel?

Raccoon up close to my trail camera at Hidden Creek Nature Sanctuary.

Coyote spotted at Hidden Creek Nature Sanctuary.

Raccoons out for a midnight snack.

Opossum or muskrat?

Squirrel running on the ice.

Raccoon looking up at the night sky.

Can you spot the raccoon?

Mom and baby raccoon exploring the creek in the day.

Can you spot the rabbit?

A beautiful blue jay near the creek of Anderson Park!

A rare sight of a heron at Anderson Park.

Two raccoons playing in the night at Hidden Creek Nature Sanctuary.

Squirrel hanging out at Hidden Creek Nature Sanctuary.

Someone’s beloved cat wondering the creek of Hidden Creek Nature Sanctuary.

First sight of a fox! Image captured from Hidden Creek Nature Sanctuary.

A raccoon taking a late night stroll in the creek of Hidden Creek Nature Sanctuary.